Episode #24 of the MMP – Gratitude

By | 2017-11-30T08:19:36-08:00 November 22nd, 2017|Health, Podcast|

"Gratitude" In this episode of The Modern Mamas Podcast we share our favorite Thanksgiving tradition and the simple ways we try to practice gratitude each day! Download in iTunes HERE & on Stitcher HERE! And don't forget to join our Modern Mamas Tribe on Facebook! Links and Such: Organic Evolution Matcha Episode #20 - Megan [...]

our favorite pumpkin pie

By | 2020-11-17T07:39:11-08:00 November 3rd, 2014|A Little Sweet Tooth, Recipes|

*Hi friend! I've decided to revisit this post 4+ years later to make some tweaks to the recipe, to share some thoughts about the holidays, and to add a sweet little toddler approved recipe you can add to the process for the tiny bubs in your life (or for you with that cup of morning [...]