burgers in a bowl

By | 2015-04-01T10:24:04-08:00 March 6th, 2014|Nutrition, Pastured Meat|

Kids (especially those who are underserved and under-appreciated) doing CrossFit at school... you already know how happy this makes me, but let me tell you a little bit more. I have been incredibly fortunate in my life; I get to do a job I absolutely love for a company (CrossFit, Inc.) that loves and appreciates [...]

education… no desk required

By | 2015-03-31T13:43:00-08:00 February 27th, 2014|Health|

*This is a picture from my trip down to LA today to visit Dana Middle School and the amazing CrossFit PE class of Kevin Corrinet and his non-profit affiliate Wiseburn CrossFit. I’m not sure if many of you know this, but I was formerly a high school English Literature teacher, and I LOVED my job, [...]