not your typical potato salad… keeping it pure

By | 2016-09-02T20:46:34-08:00 September 3rd, 2014|Health, Nutrition, Recipes, Soups, Salads, Sides|

I will be the first to admit that I used to HATE potato salad (with a passion). This most likely stemmed from my detestation for all things mayonnaise. The texture, the color, the taste.... it all just grossed me out. Looking at a typical ingredient label now, I am STOKED that I hated the stuff. If [...]

secret ingredient paleo meatloaf

By | 2015-04-01T09:14:00-08:00 August 15th, 2014|Health, Nutrition, Offal, Pastured Meat, Recipes|

So Rusty absolutely loves meatloaf, which is great because it's a relatively simple meal to prepare. BUT what complicates things is that he is incredibly particular about the meatloaf that he likes. I am pretty sure there's nothing that pisses him off more than dry meatloaf (ok that might be a little extreme, but this is [...]