paleo apple butter

    This stuff is good. But don’t take my word for it, just make it and see. Who doesn’t love anything with butter in the name? While there isn’t actually butter in this apple butter, it does provide the most delectable, buttery texture for spreading on all your favorite foods. May I suggest spreading it on pancakes, sconesmuffins, my new favorite pumpkin apple butter pie, or even a perfectly grilled pastured pork chop? Yum.

    This season demands apple picking, and if you can’t pick your own, farmers market is the place to go to find the most flavorful, healthful apples anywhere. Do your research, find the best apple farmer, and load up!

    ‘Tis the season!

    So here you are… Deliciously sweet, tactfully tart paleo apple butter for your tasting pleasure…

    Paleo Apple Butter

    • Servings: 1 cup
    • Difficulty: easy
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    • 6 organic apples (the apple guy at farmers market suggested braeburn, and you always listen to the apple guy when it comes to apples)
    • 1/4 cup filtered water or a dry hard cider works great here too!
    • 2 tsp cinnamon
    • 1/4 tsp ginger
    • 1/2 tsp nutmeg
    • sprinkle of ground cloves
    • 3 tablespoons coconut sugar (more for sweeter butter, and less for less more tartness)*
    • optional: a tablespoon of your favorite elderberry syrup

    *you can omit the sugar and make the butter sugar free too


    • wash, peel, and chop your apples
    • add all of your ingredients to a pot over medium heat, and bring to a simmer
    • reduce to low heat, put the lid on, and cook for 2 hours, stirring every 30 minutes
    • puree the apples with an immersion blender or put everything into a blender, puree, and then return to the pot
    • taste and adjust the spices and sugar if needed
    • cook on low with the lid slightly ajar for another hour or so, stirring frequently until the apple butter is nice and thick and buttery
    • Store in a glass jar in the fridge
    • ENJOY! 

    The countdown continues! Happy almost Thanksgiving, everyone. Again, I am so thankful for all of you.

    By | 2022-09-06T19:21:15-08:00 November 22nd, 2014|A Little Sweet Tooth, Recipes|1 Comment

    One Comment

    1. […] HERE is the link to apple butter, which can be used a spread on all of your favorite pumpkin baked goods […]

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