paleof(x) remix

By | 2015-05-01T17:54:30-08:00 May 1st, 2015|CrossFit, Health, Nutrition, The Mind|

Wow! What a weekend. I met some amazing new friends, caught up with old friends, ate some spectacular food, learned a lot, and played to my heart's content. The photo below (taken by the talented Paleo Fat Kid) pretty much sums up my feelings about the weekend. Paleof(x) was a spectacular weekend, and now that [...]

how do you play?

By | 2015-04-25T13:24:12-08:00 April 24th, 2015|Health, Movement and Play, The Mind|

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." ~George Bernard Shaw Play. It's a lifesaver. It's something I talk a lot about, but what is it really? I am currently reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin, and it's really got me thinking about the true, undeniable importance of play [...]

egg-free, nut-free cocoa fudge brownies and the power of movement

By | 2016-04-10T10:09:12-08:00 March 20th, 2015|A Little Sweet Tooth, Autoimmune Paleo, CrossFit, Health, Movement Tips, Recipes|

Brownies, oh brownies, how I love brownies. You know what else I love (something that I haven't written much about recently, but practice every single day)? CrossFit and movement in general, really. Nutrition is the basis of health, yes, but movement, well that's what makes us human. It's something we all share a need for, [...]