an electrolyte elixir and the guile of Gatorade

By | 2015-04-29T06:37:41-08:00 April 28th, 2015|Autoimmune Paleo, CrossFit, Health, Nutrition, Recipes, To Drink|

As an active part of the CrossFit community and a life-long athlete of pretty much every team sport available to me as a kid, I have seen my fair share of sugary sports drinks, advertised, purchased, and handed out for their electrolytes and performance enhancement. The reality, though? It's all hogwash. Look no further than THIS [...]

battle of the fat camps and beef bacon bolognese

By | 2016-08-22T06:26:17-08:00 October 11th, 2014|Health, Nutrition, Pastured Meat, Recipes|

A couple weeks back, I had a client of mine send me the link to THIS article titled Embracing Fat for a Healthy Heart Is a Notion Based on Flawed Science. The writer, Dean Ornish, MD, is also one of the docs behindĀ Forks Over Knives, a film that sets out to prove that many of [...]