creamy tomato soup… a favorite family tradition

By | 2016-12-20T11:26:53-08:00 December 29th, 2014|Recipes, Soups, Salads, Sides|

As far back as I can remember my family has spent Christmas Eve at my great aunt and uncles (the coolest God Parents a girl could ask for). Some of my most cherished memories are from this night once a year where the parents would eat raw oysters (which I thought were nasty). Where I had [...]

cranberry lemon swirl pancakes

By | 2015-03-31T13:40:09-08:00 December 11th, 2014|Breakfast, Recipes|

Pancakes... oh how I love pancakes. There was a time, after realizing how severe my intolerance was to certain foods, when I thought I would never get to enjoy pancakes again. I tried all kinds of "paleo" pancakes and would always end up feeling bloated, heavy, and uncomfortable from loads of almond flour and a tummy [...]

super tender chuck roast with bacon and kale cauli-rice

By | 2015-04-14T14:31:24-08:00 December 9th, 2014|Autoimmune Paleo, Pastured Meat, Recipes, Rice, Biscuits, Tortillas, and Mash|

So, I got a new pressure cooker. It's beautiful. In fact, I sit and sing to it in the evenings.... not really, but I seriously love this thing. Big thanks to Danielle Walker of Against All Grain for posting a great deal for Cyber Monday last week. You can find the cooker HERE. It rocks. [...]

grain free salt butter biscuits

By | 2019-11-25T16:49:23-08:00 November 19th, 2014|Recipes, Rice, Biscuits, Tortillas, and Mash|

Fact: my husband loves biscuits. Corn biscuits. Biscuits and gravy. Buttermilk biscuits. Cheddar biscuits. Breakfast biscuit sandwiches. You name the biscuit, he loves it. With temperatures dropping, and soups, stews, and lots of chili on the menu at least 4 days a week, he's been asking me for biscuits pretty much daily. I love him, so [...]

grain-free pumpkin granola

By | 2015-03-31T13:40:21-08:00 October 20th, 2014|Breakfast, Recipes|

I don't know about you guys, but sometimes, I Just. Want. Cereal. Especially crunchy, delicious granola. This is coming from a girl who literally lived off of granola in college. I had it in yogurt with fresh berries in the warm months (and because I went to Cal Poly, that means about 10 months of [...]

battle of the fat camps and beef bacon bolognese

By | 2016-08-22T06:26:17-08:00 October 11th, 2014|Health, Nutrition, Pastured Meat, Recipes|

A couple weeks back, I had a client of mine send me the link to THIS article titled Embracing Fat for a Healthy Heart Is a Notion Based on Flawed Science. The writer, Dean Ornish, MD, is also one of the docs behind Forks Over Knives, a film that sets out to prove that many of [...]

fall is here, so let’s celebrate with pumpkin scones!

By | 2015-03-31T13:40:23-08:00 September 27th, 2014|Breakfast, Recipes|

I love Fall. Fall means crisp air, warm sweaters, changing leaves, and pumpkin everything. Plus, everyone knows it's baking season. So when I woke up on Friday morning after coming home from a trip to San Diego (where the seasons don't actually change) to the smell of Fall, my soul was happy. I've been in [...]

not your typical potato salad… keeping it pure

By | 2016-09-02T20:46:34-08:00 September 3rd, 2014|Health, Nutrition, Recipes, Soups, Salads, Sides|

I will be the first to admit that I used to HATE potato salad (with a passion). This most likely stemmed from my detestation for all things mayonnaise. The texture, the color, the taste.... it all just grossed me out. Looking at a typical ingredient label now, I am STOKED that I hated the stuff. If [...]

so what’s the deal with soy? Plus, Asian inspired cauli rice

By | 2015-04-14T14:38:00-08:00 September 1st, 2014|Autoimmune Paleo, Health, Nutrition, Recipes, Soups, Salads, Sides|

Seriously, what is the deal with soy? I feel like just a few years ago soy was a super food, and today, there are countless articles warning against it. I’ve decided to break it down for you, provide some facts, and hopefully dispel the confusion about this food that can be made into anything from [...]

the case for grass fed meat… plus, the perfect meat marinade

By | 2016-09-02T16:46:30-08:00 August 24th, 2014|Health, Marinades and Sauces, Nutrition, Recipes|

In my daily nutrition geek-out session, I came across THIS article, and it really hit home for me. I am adamant about buying and eating only sustainably raised, 100% grass fed meat, pastured poultry and pork, and wild caught fish (sometimes annoyingly so). But there is good reason for this beyond just that it tastes amazing [...]