cocoa chia pudding… it’s like childhood in a bowl

    By | 2015-04-01T09:51:05-08:00 April 4th, 2014|A Little Sweet Tooth, Health, Nutrition, Recipes|

    Nothing beats a morning at home with Rusty, our girls, and a cup of my coconutty protein coffee... or so I thought until I tried this new recipe and this particular morning got even better! I have been experimenting with chia seeds since we got a giant bag at Costco, and so far, I freaking [...]

      bbq baby back pork ribs

      By | 2015-12-06T14:51:57-08:00 April 2nd, 2014|Health, Marinades and Sauces, Nutrition, Pastured Meat|

      Every once in a while, I have to pat myself on the back. This is one of those times.... After sticking my fork in and having the meat just fall off, I knew I had a winner. Then with one bite it was clear. Ok I'll stop gloating now.... (I am just pumped because there [...]

        super easy sweet potato pancakes

        By | 2015-04-01T09:54:52-08:00 March 24th, 2014|Breakfast, Nutrition, Recipes|

        Hey there! This weekend has been one of those rare one where I am home with Rusty and the pups, which means I get to do one of my favorite things... train hard Saturday morning and then eat a big breakfast with Rusty. We love breakfast. a lot. And we decided to try something new [...]

          clean green shake on the go

          By | 2016-06-24T14:29:37-08:00 March 19th, 2014|Breakfast, Grab and Go, Nutrition, To Drink|

          Today's post comes to you from the Bruner kitchen. I am actually shocked that I haven't really mentioned my Vitamix yet considering it's my 4th love (just behind Rusty and our two pups). This thing can be used to make pretty much any dish. It's fast, it cleans itself, and no kitchen should be without [...]

            perfect diet imperfection

            By | 2015-04-01T10:24:33-08:00 March 12th, 2014|Nutrition, The Mind|

            I talk a lot about eating clean, balancing macronutrients and making this a lifestyle. But what I haven’t talked much about yet is how to make this all realistic and sustainable over a lifetime. Because after all, is something really a lifestyle if it can’t be sustained for a lifetime? So here are my thoughts [...]

              the open, laughter, and remembering what this is all about

              By | 2015-04-01T10:03:25-08:00 March 8th, 2014|Movement Tips, Nutrition, The Mind|

              So, I have been holding my breath since 14.1 was announced, hoping and wishing for NO chest to bar pull ups or muscle ups until the very last week. But you know… the whole unknown and unknowable thing got the best of me this week. My back is nowhere near ready for any sort of [...]

                burgers in a bowl

                By | 2015-04-01T10:24:04-08:00 March 6th, 2014|Nutrition, Pastured Meat|

                Kids (especially those who are underserved and under-appreciated) doing CrossFit at school... you already know how happy this makes me, but let me tell you a little bit more. I have been incredibly fortunate in my life; I get to do a job I absolutely love for a company (CrossFit, Inc.) that loves and appreciates [...]

                  it’s all about the balance…. and bacon!

                  By | 2015-03-31T13:42:58-08:00 March 2nd, 2014|Nutrition, The Mind|

                  This past month has offered me a lot of perspective on CrossFit, life, happiness, and balance. I have received a number of emails asking for advice on this, so I figured I would share my experience in hopes of helping at least one person who might be going through something similar. In the first week [...]