About Laura Bruner

I am a Certified Nutrition Consultant and a Certified CrossFit Trainer. I have a passion for educating, and I absolutely love teaching others about nutrition, functional movement, and the power each has to set the foundation for health, wellness, and true quality of life. I LOVE to eat and fuel my body to live life to the utmost, and I wholeheartedly believe that sustainably sourced, nutrient dense foods can be the greatest form of medicine as well as the ingredients to create the most delicious, palate pleasing meals (itā€™s a win-win!)

Episode #19 of the MMP – Melissa Hemphill

By | 2017-10-17T19:16:21-08:00 October 18th, 2017|Health, Podcast|

"Guest Interview - Melissa Hemphill - Eating Psychology through the Motherhood Transition" In this episode of The Modern Mamas Podcast I get to talk to Melissa Hemphill, Certified Eating Psychology Coach and BIRTHFIT Colorado Regional Director, all about mindset and eating psychology through each phase of the motherhood transition. Download in iTunes HERE & on [...]

Episode #18 of the MMP – Ask us Anything

By | 2017-10-11T07:36:36-08:00 October 11th, 2017|Health, Podcast|

"Ask us Anything" In this episode of The Modern Mamas Podcast we answer YOUR questions about anything and everything. Stay tuned for more ask us anything episodes. We're open books, so ask away! Download in iTunes HERE & on Stitcher HERE! And don't forget to join our Modern Mamas Tribe on Facebook! Links and Such: [...]

a new mama’s guide to Napa

By | 2018-01-23T10:39:48-08:00 October 6th, 2017|Health, Motherhood, Travel|

Napa is a very special place for our family. It's been a romantic weekend away destination for Rusty and I since we first started dating back in 2009. It's where we take a yearly trip for my best friend, Taz's, birthday. And now it's where we will take family weekends because, believe it or not, [...]

Episode #17 of the MMP – Noelle Tarr

By | 2017-10-03T17:19:41-08:00 October 4th, 2017|Health, Podcast|

"Guest Interview - Noelle Tarr - Body love, motherhood, and getting Strong from Home" In this episode of The Modern Mamas Podcast we are talking to Noelle Tarr, of Coconut and Kettlebells and The Paleo Women Podcast, all about life, motherhood, and her kick ass Strong From Home program. Download in iTunes HERE & on [...]

crispy skin broiled wild salmon

By | 2021-08-15T18:40:46-08:00 September 30th, 2017|Marinades and Sauces, Pastured Meat, Recipes|

This recipe has been a LONG time in the making. If you've been following along for long, you've seen countless salmon posts on Instagram. I go through weeks (especially during my second trimester), where I eat salmon every single day, and the crispier the skin, the happier this mama. The reality of my salmon escapades, [...]

Episode #16 of the Modern Mamas Podcast – All About Sleep

By | 2017-09-27T07:05:35-08:00 September 27th, 2017|Podcast|

"All About Sleep" In this episode of The Modern Mamas Podcast we are talking about babies and sleep and answering YOUR questions! You can now join our tribe on Facebook! Check out the new Modern Mamas Tribe group where we can all connect, support, and share.Ā ā™” Download in iTunes HEREĀ & Stitcher HERE! Links and Such: [...]

Episode #15 of the MMP – Lindsey Mathews

By | 2017-09-20T07:46:01-08:00 September 20th, 2017|Podcast|

"Guest Interview - Dr. Lindsey Mathews" In this episode of The Modern Mamas Podcast we are talking to Dr. Lindsey Mathews all about BIRTHFIT and it's four pillars - mindset, nutrition, chiropractic, and fitness. Download in iTunes HERE & on Stitcher HERE! And don't forget to join our Modern Mamas Tribe on Facebook! BIRTHFIT founder, [...]

Episode #14 of the Modern Mamas Podcast – Jess’ Birth Stories

By | 2017-09-20T08:01:16-08:00 September 6th, 2017|Health, Podcast|

"Jess' Birth Stories" In this episode of The Modern Mamas Podcast, Jess shares the birth stories that brought Bear and Camille earth side - two very different experiences, both beautiful and inspirational in their own way. Download on iTunesĀ HEREĀ & on StitcherĀ HERE! And join our Modern Mamas Tribe Facebook group HERE! Links and Such: Balanced Bites [...]

acai protein smoothie bowl

By | 2022-04-02T07:51:53-08:00 September 2nd, 2017|Breakfast, Grab and Go, Health, Recipes|

Note: limited on time and/or ingredients? Try Daily Harvest for super simple smoothies ready to toss in your blender and go! Save up to $40 with code: RADICALROOTS. Alright, it's time for smoothie bowl number two! If you missed the first one, check out my banana turmeric bowl HERE. I've had these two on rotation [...]

Episode #12&13 of the MMP – Liz talks nutrition & skincare

By | 2018-12-10T07:38:22-08:00 August 30th, 2017|Podcast|

"Guest Interview (again!) - Liz Wolfe, NTP" www.visionairestudios.com In this two-episode installment of The Modern Mamas Podcast we are talkingĀ all about nutrition and skincare for mama and your little ones, plus some added parenting questions thrown in because, well, Liz is the best. Download in iTunes HERE & on Stitcher HERE! Liz is [...]