Episode #17 of the MMP – Noelle Tarr

By | 2017-10-03T17:19:41-08:00 October 4th, 2017|Health, Podcast|

"Guest Interview - Noelle Tarr - Body love, motherhood, and getting Strong from Home" In this episode of The Modern Mamas Podcast we are talking to Noelle Tarr, of Coconut and Kettlebells and The Paleo Women Podcast, all about life, motherhood, and her kick ass Strong From Home program. Download in iTunes HERE & on [...]

crispy skin broiled wild salmon

By | 2021-08-15T18:40:46-08:00 September 30th, 2017|Marinades and Sauces, Pastured Meat, Recipes|

This recipe has been a LONG time in the making. If you've been following along for long, you've seen countless salmon posts on Instagram. I go through weeks (especially during my second trimester), where I eat salmon every single day, and the crispier the skin, the happier this mama. The reality of my salmon escapades, [...]

acai protein smoothie bowl

By | 2022-04-02T07:51:53-08:00 September 2nd, 2017|Breakfast, Grab and Go, Health, Recipes|

Note: limited on time and/or ingredients? Try Daily Harvest for super simple smoothies ready to toss in your blender and go! Save up to $40 with code: RADICALROOTS. Alright, it's time for smoothie bowl number two! If you missed the first one, check out my banana turmeric bowl HERE. I've had these two on rotation [...]

banana turmeric smoothie bowl

By | 2021-07-20T09:22:12-08:00 August 25th, 2017|Breakfast, Grab and Go, Health, Recipes|

You guys voted, and now I am delivering! A super easy and delicious smoothie bowl with the perfect texture and even balanced macronutrients to keep your blood sugar in check and your belly satiated for hours. I've found this to be the perfect midday meal (that I can eat out of a mug) to keep [...]

super crispy potato bits

By | 2021-04-05T13:31:16-08:00 August 17th, 2017|Health, Recipes, Soups, Salads, Sides|

Since having a baby, I've consistently been looking for no fuss food shortcuts that DON'T sacrifice flavor or nutrition. Unfortunately, the easiest to grab, quickest to eat foods are usually pretty full of crap (read: freezer meals). Knowing what I do about nutrition and how what I eat directly impacts my little one through breastmilk, [...]

smoked salmon avocado toast

By | 2017-08-11T07:23:29-08:00 August 11th, 2017|Breakfast, Health, Nutrition, Recipes|

A few weeks ago, we met my cousin and his family for brunch at this adorable kiddo friendly farm to table restaurant in Los Altos. In fact, the woman who started the restaurant is Mary from Five Mary's Farm. If you haven't checked her and her amazing family out, you should. She's one of my [...]

no cook carrot cake protein balls

By | 2017-08-06T12:24:11-08:00 August 6th, 2017|A Little Sweet Tooth, Breakfast, Grab and Go, Health, Recipes|

If having a newborn has taught me anything (it's taught me a lot actually), it's that having easy to grab, nutrient and energy dense, balanced foods on hand is IMPERATIVE. I've had a few wonderful friends bring me date balls of varying sorts that I can store in the fridge and grab as needed. Those [...]

simple summer berry cobbler

By | 2017-07-04T14:10:13-08:00 July 1st, 2017|A Little Sweet Tooth, Health, Recipes|

It's berry season, my most favorite season of all! I love summer. I love farmers markets, I love berries, and I LOVE cobblers, especially when they're so simple to make that I can do it with a baby in one hand. Oh ya, if you didn't know yet, we had a baby! Evie Wilder Bruner [...]

superfood snacking courtesy of Paleovalley

By | 2017-06-22T19:27:48-08:00 May 9th, 2017|Health, Nutrition|

Snacking: the topic brings up some deeply rooted emotions and opinionsĀ in people. Here's mine summed up into one simple concept. I think it's best to eat 4 meals a day made up of a balanced ration of deeply nourishing protein, carbs, and fat. Here's the reality: life gets crazy, and snacking is often times unavoidable [...]

super simple strawberry compote

By | 2017-04-30T11:19:55-08:00 April 30th, 2017|A Little Sweet Tooth, Breakfast, Health, Marinades and Sauces, Recipes|

It's berry season!! I am clearly about as excited as it gets when it comes to berries. I so look forward to Saturday morning beach walks followed by farmers market coffee and shopping. Fresh, bold, delicious berries are always at the top of my list. This past weekend, we bought a whole bunch of strawberries [...]