crispy skin broiled wild salmon
This recipe has been a LONG time in the making. If you've been following along for long, you've seen countless salmon posts on Instagram. I go through weeks (especially during my second trimester), where I [...]
paleo pineapple pulled pork
Cravings. Let's talk about them. ALL I WANT IS PORK (and salmon, always salmon). A couple weeks ago, my husband and I were in San Jose and stopped into the new Whole Foods. They had [...]
pesto spaghetti squash bake
So, the word is out. I am pregnant. And we are THRILLED! Read more on how cool this is here. I have to admit, though, that the first 4 months of this pregnancy were some [...]
lemony garlic grilled chicken breast
Summer is in full swing (I cannot believe we are in August. When did that happen?), and somehow I magically learned how to grill. It's always been something I just left to Rusty (no, not [...]
Taco (salad) Tuesday!
Almost 3 years ago now, Rusty and I honeymooned in Kauai (see pre manbun Rusty?). It was an amazing trip filled with hiking, kayaking, adventuring, and of course, eating. When we travel, we always make [...]
moonlight carnitas
So, some of you might recall from a recent Instagram/Facebook post, I made some incredibly drool worthy carnitas a couple weeks ago. I would like to first apologize for taking so long to get them [...]