arugula, sweet potato, and wild rice salad

By | 2015-05-19T15:03:00-08:00 May 19th, 2015|Recipes, Soups, Salads, Sides|

Wait for it.... I used to be a vegetarian. Breath. Hard to believe right? Now that I am the one nibbling on beef liver, adding bacon to everything, and loving myself some rare grass fed steak, it's hard to imagine there was a time when I wouldn't touch meat. I thought I was being as [...]

the perfect sweet potato fries

By | 2015-04-14T14:22:47-08:00 April 2nd, 2015|Autoimmune Paleo, Recipes, Soups, Salads, Sides|

Almost every person who has switched over to a paleo diet has attempted homemade sweet potato "fries" with the anticipation of recreating the crispy, oily, salty goodness that so many restaurants have recently started offeringĀ on their menus. After valuable time spent in the kitchen, these folks will open the oven, grab a fry, and take [...]

buttery blondies (grain free, nut free, and delicious!)

By | 2016-04-10T10:10:18-08:00 March 16th, 2015|A Little Sweet Tooth, Recipes|

It's about time I posted another dessert recipe... at least that's what my husband argued when it came time for some fresh recipe testing. Sometimes a splurge is necessary, and in cases like this, I would much rather enjoy a treat that's not filled with processed sugars, flours, and crap oils. That's why I keep [...]

bone broth jigglers

By | 2016-01-07T16:31:21-08:00 March 12th, 2015|Autoimmune Paleo, Grab and Go, Nutrition, Offal, Pastured Meat, Recipes|

It should come as no surprise by now that I am a huge advocate of homemade bone broth. Look no further than THIS post to see why. The cool thing about this healing bone juice is that you don't needĀ much to reap some benefits (although the more, the healthier, of course). The Ā not so cool [...]

inflammation busting turmeric bacon chili

By | 2019-01-31T06:32:37-08:00 March 4th, 2015|Autoimmune Paleo, Health, Nutrition, Pastured Meat, Recipes|

How many of you have tried my chunky chili recipe? Of all my recipes, I have gotten the best feedback from this one. People seem to LOVE it, and I have to admit, I don't blame them; we do too. It's been a staple at our house every week (the ones we've been home, at [...]

so how do I make this real food thing work?

By | 2015-06-02T11:06:18-08:00 January 13th, 2015|Health, Nutrition|

People often have every excuse in the book for not making a change in their lives that, though perhaps will take a bit of work, will improve health, energy levels, relationships, mental state, and quality of lifeĀ (to name a few). With that in mind, I thought I would put together some ideas to help make [...]

creamy tomato soup… a favorite family tradition

By | 2016-12-20T11:26:53-08:00 December 29th, 2014|Recipes, Soups, Salads, Sides|

As far back as I can remember my family has spent Christmas EveĀ at my great aunt and uncles (the coolest God Parents a girl could ask for). Some of my most cherished memories are from this night once a year where the parents would eat raw oysters (which I thought were nasty). Where I had [...]

cranberry lemon swirl pancakes

By | 2015-03-31T13:40:09-08:00 December 11th, 2014|Breakfast, Recipes|

Pancakes... oh how I love pancakes. There was a time, after realizing how severe my intolerance wasĀ to certain foods, when I thought I would never get to enjoy pancakes again. I tried all kinds of "paleo" pancakes and would always end up feeling bloated, heavy, and uncomfortable from loads of almond flour and a tummy [...]

super tender chuck roast with bacon and kale cauli-rice

By | 2015-04-14T14:31:24-08:00 December 9th, 2014|Autoimmune Paleo, Pastured Meat, Recipes, Rice, Biscuits, Tortillas, and Mash|

So, I got a new pressure cooker. It's beautiful. In fact, I sit and sing to it in the evenings.... not really, but I seriously love this thing. Big thanks to Danielle Walker of Against All Grain for posting a great deal for Cyber Monday last week. You can find the cooker HERE. It rocks. [...]

cranberry sauce scones

By | 2015-03-31T13:40:11-08:00 November 30th, 2014|Breakfast, Recipes|

I think it is a tragedy that every holiday season, globs of delicious cranberry sauce are thrown wastefully into the garbage. Cranberry sauce is one of those feast accompaniments that noĀ one really knows what to do with once the meal is over and the leftovers are consumed. But that is all about to change. Put [...]