the best blackberry cobbler

By | 2015-08-31T09:03:49-08:00 August 29th, 2015|A Little Sweet Tooth, Health, Recipes, The Mind|

Since moving to the Pacific Northwest, we've had the opportunity to pick and enjoy some of the best berries I've ever had, right in our own neighborhood and sometimes, right outside our door. Blackberries are especially prevalent right now, and we've truly enjoyed the abundance. The bounty of berries has been my inspiration for all kinds [...]

radical turmeric honey elixir

By | 2015-08-03T17:18:59-08:00 August 3rd, 2015|Autoimmune Paleo, Grab and Go, Health, Recipes, To Drink|

If you've followed me for long, you'll know that I am ALL about team turmeric. Look no further than THIS post to find all of the amazing health benefits that this little orange powerhouse provides. It is not only incredibly nutrient dense, antioxidant-rich, anti-inflammatory, and awesomely bright orange, but it also adds the most delicious [...]

strawberry rhubarb tart

By | 2015-08-05T15:04:08-08:00 July 8th, 2015|A Little Sweet Tooth, Health, Recipes|

After the great response I got from posting a photo of this tart on Instagram last night, I knew I shouldn't hesitate on getting the recipe posted for you guys. The inspiration for this recipe came to me after buying far too much rhubarb at farmers market because sometimes too much of a good thing [...]

raw probiotic lemon berry “cheese” cakes

By | 2015-07-08T09:33:33-08:00 June 29th, 2015|A Little Sweet Tooth, Recipes|

I am clearly on a summer dessert kick right now. Maybe it's because the weather has been absolutely gorgeous for the past two weeks. Because of the weather and the season and my general proclivity for being outdoors, we've been spending most days outside. I've even got a work station set up on our back porch. [...]

summer shortbread

By | 2015-12-06T14:54:58-08:00 June 21st, 2015|A Little Sweet Tooth, Health, Recipes|

KEEP READING FOR A GIVEAWAY OF MY FAVORITE GHEE! Today is the Solstice, which means it's the longest day of the year, and summer is officially upon us. What better way to celebrate than with a delicious summer dessert? With summer comes all the best fruit, and everywhere I look I see fresh, beautiful berries just waiting [...]

why I love collagen and a Vital Proteins giveaway!

By | 2015-05-27T15:40:17-08:00 May 27th, 2015|Breakfast, Grab and Go, Health, Nutrition, Recipes, To Drink|

I am giving away TWO large canisters of Vital Proteins (read on for more details and a COUPON CODE for everyone)! There's been a lot of talk about collagen from grass ged cows and its myriad benefits as of late. And if you've been following my blog or Instagram, it should come as no surprise [...]

blueberry peach cobbler

By | 2015-05-25T14:44:04-08:00 May 25th, 2015|A Little Sweet Tooth, Health, Recipes|

Memorial Day is here, which means that summer is coming, and I am a happy camper. Sunshine, summertime, huge changes coming our way, and a WHOLE new crop of amazing fruit at farmers market. Nothing says summer like fresh blueberries, bursting with flavor, or biting into a sweet, juicy peach. These two fruits are a [...]

arugula, sweet potato, and wild rice salad

By | 2015-05-19T15:03:00-08:00 May 19th, 2015|Recipes, Soups, Salads, Sides|

Wait for it.... I used to be a vegetarian. Breath. Hard to believe right? Now that I am the one nibbling on beef liver, adding bacon to everything, and loving myself some rare grass fed steak, it's hard to imagine there was a time when I wouldn't touch meat. I thought I was being as [...]

wild and raw protein bars and a Wild Foods Co. giveaway!

By | 2015-05-14T15:11:59-08:00 May 11th, 2015|A Little Sweet Tooth, Breakfast, Grab and Go, Health, Nutrition, Recipes|

Congrats to my Wild Foods Co. Winners! Heather, Christine, and Jenna (Of Barbells and Baking) will each be getting: A jug of Vanilla Whey Protein Ultimate Tea Stack - Wild Teas #1-#7 Wild Metabolism Stack 14-day Supply: 1oz of China Leaf Green, Yerba Mate, Sencha *Note: winners were picked 100% at random by a computer - not a human Now, [...]

an electrolyte elixir and the guile of Gatorade

By | 2015-04-29T06:37:41-08:00 April 28th, 2015|Autoimmune Paleo, CrossFit, Health, Nutrition, Recipes, To Drink|

As an active part of the CrossFit community and a life-long athlete of pretty much every team sport available to me as a kid, I have seen my fair share of sugary sports drinks, advertised, purchased, and handed out for their electrolytes and performance enhancement. The reality, though? It's all hogwash. Look no further than THIS [...]